Operation: Sister Sharing is a success!

As a mom of two non-school aged kiddos, I am always on the lookout for activities that the girls can do together.  There are few things that hold the attention of a toddler while igniting the curiosity of a baby and inspire both to learn and grow.  Baby Einstein is known for developing “toys” that promote learning through play and I was excited to be selected as the recipient of their new Curiosity Table Activity Center.

STEAM learning is all the rage right now, focusing on Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics. While I’m not saying the early introduction to these concepts will make your child a genius, I believe that starting an appreciation for anything at an early age may lead to a deeper understanding or a lifelong passion.  Collaborative exploration in a playful environment is no different!  Two sisters playing together at an early age is priceless.

Baby Einstein’s Curiosity Table Activity Center comes with removable legs so that children of varying stages of development can appreciate it.  While the table is recommended for ages 12-36 months, it can definitely be enjoyed by younger siblings, as well. Just be cautious of small fingers getting stuck in the gears.

The activity center also includes an adjustable board that can be used for simply the mechanics of attaching gears.  Placed in the center position, younglings can create a circuit that powers a lightbulb.  The reverse side is covered by a white board for art creations, complete with clips to hold paper in place should a child decide he or she needs that, too.  Sliding switches, a magnetic art console and paintless pots can also be found experimented with.  All of these are complimented by flashing lights, sound effects and the classical music that Baby Einstein products have come to be known for.

The long and the short of it is: my girls love playing together with Baby Einstein’s Curiosity Table Activity Center.  If you are looking for a toy suitable for multiple children or one that your child will continue to enjoy as they grow, give this one a try!

Find it at your local Target, Buy, Buy, Baby or check it out online.